24.01.02 Verfasser: Pablo Banchero, Tango-Sänger aus Buenos Aires

Dear Tango Friends of the World:

We, Argentineans and visitors, lovers of Tango and Buenos Aires, felt the need to get in contact with you to give you a local overview about the critical situation this country is undergoing. We received a myriad of emails expressing anxiety and fear. This concerns us. As a response, we would like to clarify the misrepresentation of the international media and the reality of our daily lives.

First of all, we would like to explain that the economic and the political crisis affects Argentineans and residents, but it does not affect tourists, unless they were intentionally at the scene of the riots. The social outbursts resulted in the fall of an unsuccessful government and a faulty economic model. This is a monumental period for many of us as it could signify the creation of a new Argentina. We are very proud and optimistic about the recreation of a country more economically and politically independent and stable.

This in turn provides for a safer country for visiting tourists.

This is a grand hope of our generation and as any country undergoing a process of change and this will need TIME. The ‘cacerolazo’ was the instrument chosen, and it involves passive marches of people hitting pans at strategic locations in the city. We maintained the interest of the general population, including tourists, by holding passive protests at only selected political locations. In case the situation changes, it is in our interest to protect you and therefore be the first to inform you.

Use this information as an INVITATION to visit Buenos Aires. As Porteños and Tango dancers we resolve any crisis via dancing and creation. Milongas are still active and still offer the best orchestras and performances for less USDolars 3.-. Moreover, Tango guesthouses improved their services by providing additional free cultural activities including parties and Tango dinners. In addition, theatres offer more Tango shows than they ever have in the past. In summary, cultural, artistic and Tango events are blossoming more than ever and at low prices.

What else do you need to visit?


Julio Balmaceda y Corina de la Rosa

Omar Viola -Parakultural
Pablo Banchero-La Nacional
Fernando Galera y Vilma Vega - El Sótano
Mariel Arandia - defensa once once
Ana y Osvaldo - La casita de San Telmo
Natalia Games y Gabriel Angió
Eduardo Capussi - El Sótano
Mariana Flores
Elina Roldán
Julio Mendez - La Calesita
Chris Krüger - Sanssouci - Turismo
Gabi Shäfer - Milonga de las Morochas
Horacio Pilacanavo - El Beso
La Escuela del Tango - Claudia Bozzo
Fabrizio Forti - El sol de San Telmo
Analía Vega y Fernando Galera
Saverio Perre - maestro, salas de ensayo
Lina Acuña - Tangoguesthouse
Pilar - La casa de Pilar
Erika López
Oscar Orzuza - Tierra Tango
Claude Dumont - Buenos Aires / Perpignan
Ricarda - Lunallena
Roberto Amerise - Orquesta La Nacional
Enrique Grahl Junior y Judith Zapatero - Physioterapeuten, Org. La Cantina (Stuttgart)
Joy Winter - Buenos Aires / Zürich
Esther Tiegel - Zürich
Katrin Gloggengiesser - Berlin
Ivette Grant - Australien
Fritz - Alemania
Arona - USA